There are several possible reasons why the result of your HTML code fragment doesn't look right when you preview in a browser:
- Your code fragment functions, but might need to be adjusted to perform the way you want it to. Change the code fragment in Microsoft Publisher and preview it again.
- The HTML code fragment overlaps another object in Publisher. Separate the objects and preview it again.
- Different browsers interpret HTML in different ways, thus any unexpected result could be caused by the browser you're using.
- You placed BorderArt around the HTML code fragment in Publisher. Remove the BorderArt and preview it again.
The result of my HTML code fragment doesn't appear when I preview.
There are a few reasons why you may not see the result of your HTML code fragment when you preview in a browser:
- The HTML code fragment you inserted is not correct. Check the code fragment in Microsoft Publisher and change it if necessary.
- The HTML code fragment overlaps another object in Publisher. Separate the objects and preview again.
My Web form controls don't work.
When adding form controls to a Web page, do not overlap them with other controls or objects and do not use these special effects on them:
- Rotation
- Fill color
- Fill effects (tints, shades, patterns, and gradients)
- Shadowing
- Borders or BorderArt
- Hyperlinks