About printing a booklet

Microsoft Office Publisher 2003

About printing a booklet

When you print a booklet, Microsoft Publisher prints two matched pages to each sheet. These matched pages are called printer spreads. The pages that make up the printer spreads are arranged in pairs that will be in the correct page order after you assemble and fold the booklet.

When you choose to print a range of pages that is less than the total number of pages in the booklet, you need to tell Publisher whether you want to print the page range as a separate booklet or as part of the whole booklet.

When you click Yes, you specify that you want Publisher to print the page range as a separate booklet. Publisher will print only the pages within the range you specified. These pages are arranged in order as if they were a separate booklet. For example, if you print pages 3 through 6 of a 24-page booklet, Publisher will print a total of two sheets: pages 6 and 3 will print on the first sheet, and pages 4 and 5 will print on the second sheet.

When you click No, you specify that you want Publisher to print the page range as part of the entire booklet. Publisher will print the pages in the specified page range as they would appear when you print the entire booklet. For example, if you print pages 3 through 6 of a 24-page booklet as part of the entire booklet, Publisher will print a total of four sheets: pages 22 and 3 will print on the first sheet; pages 4 and 21 will print on the second sheet ; pages 20 and 5 will print on the third sheet; and pages 6 and 19 will print on the fourth sheet.