About navigation bars

Microsoft Office Publisher 2003

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About navigation bars

A navigation bar is a grouped set of hyperlinks that enables Web site visitors to navigate to the pages on your Web site or to other external destinations. Navigation bars can have buttons or plain text hyperlinks. You can insert navigation bars only if you are working on a Web publication.

Use navigation bars to provide Web site visitors with a way to locate information on your Web site and to navigate to the different pages of the site. Navigation bars assist Web site visitors by listing the pages that a site contains. Navigation bars also provide visitors with a way to keep track of which page they are viewing.

You can add more than one navigation bar to your Web site if you want to create primary and secondary navigation structures for the pages on your Web site. For example, you can insert a primary navigation bar on your home page that links to the main pages on your Web site. You can then insert additional navigation bars on each of these main pages that direct your visitors to specific pages that branch out from these main pages. You can also add additional navigation bars if you want to organize a series of links to external destinations.

You can format a navigation bar in the following ways:

  • You can position navigation bars vertically or horizontally on the page.
  • You can add multiple navigation bars to each page.
  • You can change the design of navigation bar buttons.
  • You can change the size of navigation bar buttons.
  • You can make the navigation bar show the selected state of a page.
  • You can change the number of links that horizontal navigation bars display in a row.