Convert Hangul and Hanja

Microsoft Office Publisher 2003

  1. Type the text you want to convert, and then select it.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Hangul Hanja Conversion.
  3. In the Hanja Suggestions or Hangul Suggestions box, select the text that you want to convert to.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To convert the selected text in the Suggesting For box to the selected text in the Hanja Suggestions or Hangul Suggestions box, click Change.
    • To skip converting the selected text, click Ignore.
    • To display all the characters that you can convert the text to in the Hanja Suggestions or Hangul Suggestions box, click By Character.
  5. Under Display Style, click the option you want.

ShowSet conversion options or use the custom dictionary

  1. Select the Hangul or Hanja text that you want to convert.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Hangul Hanja Conversion.
  3. In the Hangul Hanja Conversion dialog box, click More.
  4. Do any of the following:
    • To add a new word to your custom dictionary, select the word in the Suggesting For box, and then click Add new word.
    • To remove a word you have added to the custom dictionary, select the word in the Hanja Suggestions or Hangul Suggestions box, and then click Remove word.
    • To select conversion options, click Options, and then do any of the following:
      • Select the Ignore Hangul ending check box so that the ending of the word will not be converted.
      • Select the Display recently used items check box so that the most recently used word will be displayed at the top of the Hanja Suggestions or Hangul Suggestions box.
      • Select the conversion type.
      • Select the display type.