Add keywords and a description for your Web site

Microsoft Office Publisher 2003

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Add keywords and a description for your Web site

Keywords are a META tag that identifies your Web site to Internet search engines. Keywords are most effective when you add them to your home page, but you can add keywords to any page of your Web site.

The description is another META tag that identifies your Web site to Internet search engines. You can add a description to your home page to inform people about the purpose of your Web site.

  1. On the Tools menu, click Web Page Options.
  2. In the Keywords box, type the keywords you want, separated by commas. Limit of 256 characters.
  3. In the Description box, type a brief description of your site. Limit of 256 characters.

Note  You may need to submit your Web site to a search engine in order to make it possible for people to search for your site on the Internet. Most search engines provide information about how to submit your Web site.