New E-Mail wizard

Microsoft Office Publisher 2003

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Microsoft Office Publisher 2003

New E-Mail wizard

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Microsoft Office Publisher 2003 includes new designs for publications that you can send as e-mail messages. You can easily create and send a wide variety of attractive, high-impact publications in e-mail.

New E-Mail wizards    Use any of the six e-mail publication layout options and 45 master design sets in Publisher to create and send e-mail publications. New e-mail layout options include newsletters, letters, event notices, and product lists.

Enhanced compatibility    You can send your publications as e-mail messages using Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 and Outlook Express. Publisher e-mail publications now have enhanced compatibility, allowing recipients to read them in HTML-enabled mail clients such as Hotmail, AOL, and Yahoo, as well as the current version of Outlook.

E-Mail Preview    You can also preview your publication before you send it as an e-mail message. When you preview your e-mail publication using E-Mail Preview, you view the publication in your current Web browser. This allows you to see what your publication will look like when it is viewed by the e-mail recipient.