A/P Integrity Checker Screen

Sage 300 ERP

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A/P Integrity Checker Screen

  1. Open Administrative Services > Data Integrity.
  2. Include Accounts Payable in the integrity check.
  3. In the Check Applications box, select Accounts Payable, and then click Application Options.

Select this option for the records in the list for which you want to check data integrity.

Select this option to check the integrity of records in all database tables that have become dissociated from their "parent" record.

  • A "parent" record is a record that has other records nested under it, and a "child" record is a record that is nested under another record. For example, in the case of entry records nested under a batch record, the batch record is the parent of the entry records, and the entry records are the children of the batch record.
  • Child records that are no are longer associated with a parent are called "orphans."

Select this option to delete records that have become dissociated from their "parent" record.

  • A "parent" record is a record that has other records nested under it, and a "child" record is a record that is nested under another record. For example, in the case of entry records nested under a batch record, the batch record is the parent of the entry records, and the entry records are the children of the batch record.
  • Child records that are no are longer associated with a parent are called "orphans."

Select this option to fix minor errors found in the selected records.

Select this option to check for errors in all records that belong to unposted invoice, payment, and adjustment batches.

Select this option to check for errors in posting journals.

Note: If you select this option, the program will find but not fix errors. To fix errors, you must select the Fix option.

Select this option to check for errors in all Accounts Payable setup records, such as Options, Account Sets, and Payment Codes.

Select this option to check all records that store information for vendor payments for the range of vendors you specify.


Use the A/P Integrity Checker screen to limit the scope of Accounts Payable integrity checks to fit the time available. You can specify:

  • The type of data to check.
  • A range of vendor records for which to check data.
  • Whether to fix minor errors during the check.
  • Whether to check for or delete orphan records.