A/P G/L Transactions Report Screen

Sage 300 ERP

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A/P G/L Transactions Report Screen

Open Accounts Payable > A/P Transaction Reports >  G/L Transactions.


The G/L Transactions report is a list of the general ledger transactions created from all posted Accounts Payable batches, and from posted revaluations (in multicurrency ledgers). You can print detailed or summary versions of the report.

Sage 300 ERP creates the general ledger batch in a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file, tailored to the Sage 300 ERP General Ledger format. You can send the file to a remote location that uses Sage 300 ERP General Ledger, or modify the information in the file to suit another general ledger program.

When to Print

Print the report when you add, change, or delete distribution sets.

Information Printed on This Report

The summary report lists one total for each account number.

The level of detail for transactions on the detailed report depends on your choices on the Integration tab of the G/L Integration screen. For example, if the Consolidate By Account And Fiscal Period option is selected, the report shows a total for each general ledger account and fiscal period. If the Do Not Consolidate option selected, the report shows full details for each transaction.

The detailed report includes:

  • The batch and entry number. The entry number is assigned when the transaction is added to a batch, and is a permanent part of the record of the transaction.

    The source code assigned during posting to identify the transaction type.More....

    Accounts Payable source codes are:

    • AP-AD Adjustment
    • AP-CF Applied Credit (from)
    • AP-CR Credit Note
    • AP-CT Applied Credit (to)
    • AP-DB Debit Note
    • AP-DF Applied Debit (from)
    • AP-DT Applied Debit (to)
    • AP-ED Earned Discount Taken
    • AP-GL Gain or Loss (multicurrency ledgers)
    • AP-IN Invoice
    • AP-IT Interest Charge
    • AP-PI Prepayment
    • AP-PY Payment
  • The reference and description information selected on the GL Integration screen.

  • Total by sorting option.

  • The summary version of the report includes a single line for each account number, with the total debits and credits posted to the account.

  • Total debits and credits for the report.

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