SHARED apply5250FunctionKeyPatterns



This example JavaScript function is designed to look for Fn=xxxxxx patterns on specified screen lines. Copy and paste the attached functions into your SHARED script object, file UF_SY420_RTS.JS.


    // Apply Fn=xxxxxx function key patterns to buttons and function keys enabled on the current RAMP-TS screen 


    apply5250FunctionKeyPatterns : function(iLowRow,iHighRow,aForceEnable,aForceDisable)


       if (GLOBAL_oAXESInterface == null) return; // No AXES interface

       if (GLOBAL_oCurrentTSform == null) return; // No current AXES form

       if (oGLOBAL_CurrentFORM == null)   return; // No RAMP-TS definition for the form  


       TRACE("SHARED.applyFunctionKeyPatterns started");


       if (iHighRow == null) iHighRow = iLowRow;       // default is same as low row


       var allkeys    = "";

       var typeOUTPUT = GLOBAL_oAXESInterface.Element.TYPE_OUTPUT;

       var oForm      = oGLOBAL_CurrentFORM;


       // Disable all function keys and buttons to start with.

       // Note that the function keys (oForm.vFKERTS) and the buttons (oForm.vFKEVLF) are BOTH disabled here


       TRACE("SHARED.applyFunctionKeyPatterns is disabling all function keys and all buttons");

       for (var i = 0; i < oForm.vFKEVLF.length; i++) { if (oForm.vFKEVLF.charAt(i) != "0") oForm.vFKEVLF = InsertString(oForm.vFKEVLF,"0",i); }

       for (var i = 0; i < oForm.vFKERTS.length; i++) { if (oForm.vFKERTS.charAt(i) != "0") oForm.vFKERTS = InsertString(oForm.vFKERTS,"0",i); }


       // Strip all output fields on the specified lines to create a long string of function keys strings


       for (var iRow = iLowRow; iRow <= iHighRow; iRow++)


          var aAElement = GLOBAL_oCurrentTSform.getElementsByRow(iRow);

          for (var i = 0; i < aAElement.length; i++)


             var oAXESElement = aAElement[i];

             if (oAXESElement.type == typeOUTPUT) { allkeys += " " + oAXESElement.getValue(); }    




       // This RegExp looks for strings of the form F1=XXXX (where "F" can be F, PF, FP, CF

       // or Cmd) XXXX can be a string of any length terminating at more than one space,

       // the end of the line or another instance of "F1=" (thats the ?= look ahead group).

       // All groups are forgotten (that's the ?:) except the function number and the XXXX text.


       var reFKey = /\b(?:F|PF|FP|CF|Cmd)(\d+)[=-](.*?)(?=(?:\b(?:F|PF|FP|CF|Cmd)\d+[=-])|\s{2,}|$)/gi;


       var fkeyMatch = reFKey.exec(allkeys);

       while (fkeyMatch != null)


          var key = "F" + TRIM_RIGHT(fkeyMatch[1]);

          // Note that the function key and the button are both being enabled here


          fkeyMatch = reFKey.exec(allkeys);



       // Enable any forced buttons. Note that the function key and the button are BOTH enabled


       if (aForceEnable != null)


          TRACE("SHARED.applyFunctionKeyPatterns is forcing the enablement of specified keys/buttons");

          for (var i = 0; i < aForceEnable.length; i++) { SETKEYENABLED(GLOBAL_oCurrentTSform.symbolicName,aForceEnable[i],true,true); }



       // Disable any forced buttons. Note that the function key and the button are BOTH disabled


       if (aForceDisable != null)


          TRACE("SHARED.applyFunctionKeyPatterns is forcing the disablement of specified keys/buttons");

          for (var i = 0; i < aForceDisable.length; i++) { SETKEYENABLED(GLOBAL_oCurrentTSform.symbolicName,aForceDisable[i],false,false); }



       // Finished  


       TRACE("SHARED.applyFunctionKeyPatterns ended");


    }, // <--- Note the comma