RAMP TSAD04 Step 10 Test the Redesigned Screen


RAMP-TSAD04 Step 10. Test the Redesigned Screen

In this step you will test the redesigned screen and make sure it works with the Framework themes.

1.   Log off in the RAMP-TS 5250 emulator.

2.   Restart the Framework to restart aXes.

3.   Display employee Veronica Brown in the Personnel application.

The Details command handler now looks like this:


4.   Now change the theme of the Framework using the Overall Theme option of the Windows menu to check what the customization looks like with different themes.

This is what the screen looks like with 2007 Olive theme:


Note that here the aXes group boxes are all using a bluish color gradient. They can also be modified to follow the VL theme. Refer to the aXes USERENV file for details of how the color gradients are set up for group boxes. Refer to Axes Tutorial 10 for details of how to find out the current VL theme in aXes scripts.