Verify your RAMP TS aXes TS Installation


Verify your RAMP-TS/aXes-TS Installation

After installing RAMP-TS/aXes on your IBM-I server you should verify the installation.

Please do not proceed any further with using RAMP-TS until you can successfully complete the following verification steps:

1.   Open a browser window and enter a URL like this, specifying the host and port of your aXes-WS server:  


    http://<host>:<port number>



The resulting screen should look like this:


2.   Click on the aXes home page link.

The result should look like this:


3.   Click on the TS terminal session option on the right hand side, in the launch aXes session's group. A separate window should appear that allows you to sign on to your IBM i server using your normal user profile and password:

4.   After verifying you can sign on and access your IBM i server signoff and close the window.

5.   Now click on Click on the TS development session option on the right hand side, in the launch aXes session's group.

6.   When the web logon dialog appears sign on as user dev with password dev.

The resulting screen should look like this.

7.   Verify that you can log on to your IBM i server, using your user profile and password.