RAMP TSAD09 Step 3 Add Code to Populate the List View


RAMP-TSAD09 Step 3. Add Code to Populate the List View

In this step you will add the code to populate the list view.

1.   Display the source code of the screen wrapper.

2.   Locate the #myscreen_wrapper.RampTSAvailable event routine and add this code to clear the fields and the subfile on it when the screen arrives:

Clr_List Named(#skills)

#XG_HEAD := *null


Your code should look like this:


3.   Add the following method routine to the end of your screen wrapper source:

Mthroutine Name(uGetSubfilePage)


Define_Map For(*result) Class(#prim_boln) Name(#NextPage)

Define Field(#MoreVal) Type(*char) Length(1)


#listcount := 1

#NextPage := false


Dowhile (#myscreen_wrapper.check_field_exists( "dateacq" #listcount ))


#myscreen_wrapper.getvalue From("dateacq") Value(#vf_eltxts) Defaultvalue(#ddmmyy) Index(#listcount)

#myscreen_wrapper.getvalue From("skillcode") Value(#skilcode) Index(#listcount)

#myscreen_wrapper.getvalue From("skilldesc") Value(#skildesc) Index(#listcount) Defaultvalue("Defalt value")

#myscreen_wrapper.getvalue From("comment") Value(#comment) Index(#listcount)

#myscreen_wrapper.getvalue From("grade") Value(#grade) Index(#listcount)


* You can put some tracing

#com_owner.avframeworkmanager.avRecordTrace Component(#com_owner) Event("Adding entry = " + #vf_eltxts + ", " + #skilcode + ", " + #skildesc + ", " + #grade)


Add_Entry To_List(#skills)


#listcount += 1




* when identifying this screen we set the name of the "+" sign = "moreindicator". The presence of that field in the last row of the subfile tells us whether there is another page. The last row is one less than the current value of #listcount.


#listcount -= 1


If (#myscreen_wrapper.check_field_exists( "moreindicator" #listcount ))

#myscreen_wrapper.getvalue From("moreindicator") Value(#MoreVal) Index(#listcount)

#NextPage := (#MoreVal.trim *NE "")





This code traverses the skills subfile by first checking if the first column corresponding to the DATEACQ field exists. If it is present on the screen, the routine gets the values for all the subfile columns.

Fields in RAMP-TS subfiles are indexed starting from 1. A subfile page with 7 rows will have 7 instances of each of the fields in the subfile. Here we increase #listcount and use it to get the value of a field.

Note that you can specify a default value when using the getvalue method.

The moreindicator is the name you gave to the plus sign on the screen.


4.   Now locate the #myscreen_wrapper.vHandleArrive event routine.

5.   Define a Boolean class #MoreRecords which will be used by the wrapper to determine if there are more records in the skills subfile.


Define_Com Class(#prim_boln) Name(#MoreRecords)



6.   Then add this code to check value returned by the uGetSubfilePage method, and if there are more records, to send a PageDown keystroke to get to the next subfile page.

#MoreRecords := #com_owner.uGetSubfilePage

If (#MoreRecords)

if (#previousscreen = 'DisplayEmployee')

#myscreen_wrapper.sendkey Key(#myscreen_wrapper.KeyPageDown)


(The check for the previous screen is there simply to slow the screen wrapper down so that repeated SENDKEY requests on fast machines get queued properly.)

Your code should look like this:


7.   Compile the screen wrapper.

8.   Start the Framework and display the Details Wrapper command handler for an employee.