RAMP TS001 Step 6 Validate the Basic Prototype


RAMP-TS001 Step 6. Validate the Basic Prototype


The first stage of prototyping your modernized application is now complete. The prototype shows the basic structure and functionality of the application once it is modernized:



In real life situations at this point you need to show your basic prototype to the stakeholders of the application to ensure that:

  • Your choice of business objects is understandable and acceptable to them
  • That the commands you have associated with the business object reflect the ways they work with the information
  • That the access to the information that the filters provide is useful and adequate


When prototyping a real application this would be the time to let the end-users try out the prototype. Users typically find it easy to give their input when they have a concrete sample of the system available.

After collecting the feedback, adjust the initial prototype.

The prototype will be refined in step RAMP-TS005: Reviewing Design .