Locating a specific value in a Subfile and making the selection
Case A: when a selection is found, set the cursor on the appropriate row and press Enter.
uSubfileSearch: function(sToForm, sFindValue, sFindField, sMoreRecsField)
/* Subfile indexed fields are one based */
var iInd = 1;
var bFound = false;
while( (CHECK_FIELD_EXISTS(sFindField,iInd)) && !(bFound) )
/* Found, set the flag to true to cause the loop to end */
if (sFindValue == GETVALUE(sFindField,iInd))
bFound = true;
else /* Increase field index */
/* If found, position the cursor to the field and index and send an Enter key to cause that entry to be selected */
if (bFound)
Q_CHECK_CURRENT_FORM(sToForm,"Unable to navigate to " + sToForm);
/* If not found, check whether the nominated more records indicator field is present on the screen. If it is we can page down. */
/* Note the payload accompanying the Sendkey. It is used in the vHandleArrive function to decide whether we have to repeat this logic. */
else if ( CHECK_FIELD_EXISTS(sMoreRecsField) )
SENDKEY(KeyPageDown, "Next_Page");
Case B: when a selection is found, set the cursor on the appropriate row, set the value of the selector field "SFL_SELECT" to "2" and press Enter.
This case is almost the same as the prior one except for the SETCURSOR call. Replace the SETCURSOR with