RAMP TSAD05 Step 2 Accessing SHARED properties and functions


RAMP-TSAD05 Step 2.  Accessing SHARED properties and functions

In this step you will learn how to access shared properties and functions.

1.   Locate the two test properties in your shared scripts file to see what they are:


2.   Open the RAMP script for the DisplayEmployee screen and add this code to the vHandle_ARRIVE function to display the values of the properties:


    alert(SHARED.myProperty1 + " " + SHARED.myProperty2);


Your code will look like this:


3.   Commit changes, do a partial save and then display the details of an employee so as to execute the arrival script. You will see a message box like this appear:


The message box is displaying the values of the properties SHARED.myProperty1 and SHARED.myProperty2.


4.   Locate the test function Function1 in your shared scripts file to see what it does:


5.   Now add this code to the arrival script:





6.   Commit changes, do a partial save and then display the details of another employee. You will  see another message box appear like this, indicating you have executed function myFunction1 in the SHARED object:


7.   Finally, add this code to your RAMP script:

    var sMessage = SHARED.myFunction2("Hello","World");


You will see another message box appear like this:  


You now know how to access shared properties and shared logic defined in the SHARED object.