How do I differentiate two screens which have the same name


How do I differentiate two screens which have the same name?

Use the Variant Name to differentiate screens that were given the same name. See Your RAMP-TS Screen Script Defines a JavaScript Object.

The Variant Name is a property of the screen in the same way as the vName, vType, etc. To reference the Variant Name in your script use:





Typically you would use the Variant Name in screens that have different views. A typical example would be a screen like Work with Active Jobs. You could name it WRKACTJOB. When you press F11 the same screen appears but this time with a different set of columns.

You can use one of the column headings in this screen that was not present in the previous one as part of the screen definition and save it using the Variant Name. Likewise, pressing F11 again gives you another different set of columns. You can again use one of the column headings in the definition and save the screen with another variant name.

For more information see RAMP-TS015: Understanding and Handling Screen Variations.