Tutorials for RAMP Windows


Tutorials for RAMP Windows

A RAMP modernization project should progress like this. You will use an iterative release cycle, repeatedly improving your application as time and resources permit:

RAMP Stage 1


RAMP-TS001: Creating a Basic Prototype of the Modernized Application

RAMP-TS005: Reviewing Design


 Set Standards

Create project standards.


 Decide on Security

Decide on security/authority policy.


 Name screens

RAMP-TS002: Rapidly Modernizing Complete Application Segments

RAMP-TS004: Naming and Classifying the Employee Screens


 Classify screens

RAMP-TS002: Rapidly Modernizing Complete Application Segments

RAMP-TS004: Naming and Classifying the Employee Screens

RAMP Stage 2A

 Rapidly modernize

RAMP-TS002: Rapidly Modernizing Complete Application Segments

RAMP Stage 2B

 Individually modernize

RAMP-TS006: Snapping in a Basic Inquiry Screen

RAMP-TS007: Snapping in a Data Entry Function

RAMP-TS008: Changing Inquiry Screen to Update Mode

RAMP-TS009: Tracing Navigation

RAMP-TS015: Understanding and Handling Screen Variations

RAMP Stage 2C

Add value

See What Adds Value?

RAMP-TS003: Creating a Data Filter for Employees

RAMP-TS010: Using Special Field Handlers

RAMP-TS011: Snapping in Shipped Documents Command Handler

RAMP-TS012: Snapping in Shipped Notes Command Handler

RAMP-TS013: Sending Instance List Data to Excel

RAMP-TS014: Snapping RAMP Screens into the HR Demo Application

RAMP-TSAD04: Redesigning the Screen Using aXes

RAMP Stage 3

Remove platform dependencies

Optionally remove any IBM i platform dependencies.



Test the finished application.



Deployment Check List for RAMP-TS



In every cycle you will move more and more application components from stage 2A to 2B to 2C to 3.

The mix/ratio of stages is critical because it impacts on how long your project will take, and it is dictated by how much time and resource you have available.


Also see Advanced Tutorials.
