RAMP TSAD04 Step 6 Organize Fields inside Group Boxes


RAMP-TSAD04 Step 6. Organize Fields inside Group Boxes

In this step you will logically organize the fields on the screen by putting them into group boxes.

1.   Click on Edit Screen in the aXes Designer window. 

2.   Set the removeCUADots property to True for all elements on the screen that have dots.


3.   Save this change and put the aXes Designer back in edit mode.

2.   Add a new element to the screen:


3.   Make it a Group Box extension:


4.   Make the Caption of the group box Identification.


5.   Initially size it like this:


6.   Then resize the fields and move them inside the group box like this (leave some room above the group box):


When aligning the fields you may want to use the screen graph paper:

7.   Click on an empty space on the screen.

8.   Select the Screen Graph Paper option on in the aXes Designer window.


It looks like this:


9.   Turn the Screen Graph Paper option off.

10.   Set the look property of the group box to Modern:


11.   Save this change and put the aXes Designer back in edit mode.

12.   Add another group box with the Caption Dates and look Modern.

13.   Place it next to the Identification group box.

14.   Put the Start Date and Termination dates in the group box like this:


15.   Add another group box with the caption Contact and Location and look Modern (again leave some space around the group box so that it will be surrounded by the screen's background color).

16.   Place it under the Identification group box and put the remaining fields except for the skills details in it:


17.   Finally, add a group box for the skills information with the caption Skills, again leave some room around the group box:


18.   Save the screen customization.