Using The HTMLAPI Scripting Object


Using The HTMLAPI Scripting Object

The recommended approach to dynamically altering the visual content of 5250 screens is as follows:

  • Whenever possible create SHARED functions that implements generic content changes so that they can be reused from other RAMP-TS scripts. By doing this you are also somewhat minimizing the impact that any future changes to the HTML or aXes DOM models might have on you.   
  • When content changes apply to a specific 5250 screen only, implement them in a single function inside the screens scripting object with a well defined name. By doing this the logic that alters a specific screens layout becomes somewhat standardized, easy to recognize and consolidated in one place 

For example:


Example Function Name What it might do?



Apply generic application layout rules to any destination screen. Most destination screens would invoke this function in their arrival script, just before making the screen visible. 



Accepts an array of screen field names. It creates a small clickable image beside each named field. 5250 screens that display promotable fields would use this function generically.     


Defined as a function within the definition of a specific 5250 destination screen. Applies layout changes that are specific to this screen.