Consolidating Financial Statements of Multiple Companies in Microsoft Excel

Sage ERP Accpac General Ledger 6.0

Consolidating the Financial Statements of Multiple Companies in Microsoft Excel

To consolidate Excel financial statements for multiple companies:

  1. Open the largest company in Sage ERP Accpac.

  2. Open General Ledger > Financial Reporter > Statement Designer.

  3. Open the Financial Statement that you want to consolidate and generate it using FR View. These instructions will refer to this generated sheet as Co#1.

  4. Scroll to the generated portion of Co#1 (below the specification section) and align the first line of descriptions at the topmost cell of your screen.

  5. Go to the tool bar at the top of your screen and click New, select Sheet, then click OK. You will have a blank sheet covering your screen. (These instructions will refer to this blank sheet as "Consol".)

  6. Turn off "automatic calculation" in the new spreadsheet. If you do not do this, the system will update your consolidated spreadsheet continuously, slowing down the system.

  7. Start with Sheet 2, leaving Sheet 1 for the consolidating sheet.

  8. Copy, Paste, and Link all companies to separate sheets and then consolidate within Excel to Sheet1. This will eliminate the problem of viewing the tiled spreadsheets while copying cell references.

See also