Specifying Ranges of Accounts when the Account Segment is not First in the Account Structure

Sage ERP Accpac General Ledger 6.0

Specifying Ranges of Accounts When the Account Segment is not First in the Account Structure

Account references work best when the account segment is the first segment of your account numbers. Not only is it easier to specify account ranges, but Financial Reporter processes them more quickly as well.

If you do not have the account segment first, you can still specify a range of account segment codes and print the accounts in account segment order.

Note the following examples:

4000~8000 specifies all accounts with an account segment code from 4000 to 8000, no matter how many segments are in the number, and no matter where the account segment is in the account structure.

A~C-400~600|ACCT specifies all accounts with an account segment value between 400 and 600, and with a Department segment value from A to C. “|ACCT” indicates that the accounts are ordered by account segment.

%-400~600-%|ACCT specifies account segment values from 400 to 600, no matter what the value of other segments. Again, the accounts are ordered by account segment.

%%|ACCT specifies all account numbers ordered by the account segment. To specify a range or account segments, add a criterion in column B, such as ACCTSEGVAL >= "4000" AND ACCTSEGVAL >= "6000".

The last example is the most flexible, because it specifies a range of account segment values no matter where the account segment lies in the account structure. This is especially useful if you have more than one account structure.

See also