Columns B, C and D Filter Accounts Specified in Column A
Although you specify account numbers for a row or group of report rows in column A of the report specification, you can use columns B, C and D (columns 2 through 4 of the Spec range) to refine the account selection.
For example,
Column A can specify a range of accounts.
Column B can contain a filter that restricts the range of accounts to a particular account group or account type or account name. For example, the expression, A.ACCTCLASS="Sales" filters for the value of an optional field called "Sales".
Column C can remove any lines from the report that have zero balances, override a default condition to suppress zero balances, or meet a condition such as "balances less than $1,000".
Column D can consolidate the balances of the range of accounts, consolidate by account segment, list each account separately, consolidate all values from retrieved optional fields, or print the optional field value of the first retrieved record.