Budget Maintenance
This form lets you:
If your General Ledger has multicurrency accounts, you can also enter budget amounts for each of the currencies you use.
The Budget Maintenance form shows two sets of figures for each fiscal period:
The Budget Amount column contains the budget amounts for the account you wish to view or edit.
The Inquiry column displays data from any G/L account you choose. You select the inquiry account by selecting items in the Fiscal Set Lookup area of the form.
To edit budget data
You cannot edit a fiscal set that has been locked.
Choose the account you want to edit or view.
Choose the budget set. (If you are using Sage ERP Accpac 500, General Ledger provides five budget fiscal sets which you can use in any way you like. )
Choose the fiscal year.
If you are editing budget data for a multicurrency account, choose the currency and currency type you want to edit.
For example, if your functional currency is US dollars, you might choose to edit figures that are in Canadian dollars, but select the equivalent currency type to enter amounts in US dollars. The Budget Amount column label displays as Budget Amount (US); the Inquiry Amount column label displays as Inquiry Amount (CAD).
Click the Go button.
Click on the Budget Amount field to enter data for a fiscal period, or use one of the Budget Methods (listed below) to enter budget data for the currently selected account.
Use the Clear button to zero out any previous data. Use the Delete button to remove the budget record completely. (This will free up disk space.)
Select data in the Fiscal Set Lookup area, then click the Go button to see current or previous-year actual figures or budget figures from any account. The figures in the Inquiry Amount can help you prepare the budget you are working with.
You can inquire about the account's actual or budget figures in the Fiscal Set Lookup. You can select the option "Use Rolled Up Amounts", then click the Go button to see rolled up budget figures. Budgets for the member accounts can be rolled up to the rollup accounts for inquiry purposes.
If you have security access to the Rollup accounts, you automatically get access to member accounts.
Budget methods
The eight Budget Method options provide you with a variety of ways to tell the system to calculate budget period amounts based on information you specify.
You can use the Add To or Replace buttons to move figures into the Budget Amount column:
Add To: adds the amounts you are copying or calculating to amounts already in the column.
Replace: replaces the amounts in the Budget Amount column with amounts you are copying or calculating.
Note: In a multicurrency system, you must enter the source and functional equivalents of other currencies separately -- if you want both sets of numbers.
To calculate the functional equivalent from a source amount, inquire on the source amount, then use the percent increase budget method. If the rate is less than one, use a minus percent increase (calculated by subtracting the rate from 1).
Budget totals
The Total fields at the bottom of the column display the total of budget amounts for all periods. A total is also given for the Inquiry Amount fields.
Saving the result
You can continue to manipulate the amounts in the Budget Amount fields using various budget methods or by manually changing the amounts. When you are satisfied with the result, click the Add button.
See also
Displaying account information