Source Journals Report -- Printing

Sage ERP Accpac General Ledger 6.0

Source Journals Report — Printing

Source journals list the details of posted transactions for the source codes that you included in the source journal definition.

For more information on the contents of this report, see Source Journals — features.

Before using

  • Post current batches.

  • Define source journals in the Source Journal Profiles form.

Printing source journals

You can customize a source journal at print time by choosing:

  • The sorting order of the report. (By account number, segment, or account group.)

  • Account, segment, account group, or account optional field ranges.

  • Fiscal period, reference, transaction date, posting sequence, and batch number ranges.

To print the report

  1. Open General Ledger > G/L Reports > Source Journals.

  2. On the Journal tab:

  1. Select a journal in the Profile field. The journals include:

  2. A/R Clearing Journals

  3. Bank Reconciliation Report

  4. GL Journal Entries

  5. Invoice Journal

  6. Purchase and Receipts Journal

  7. Reallocation Journal

  8. Transaction Journal

  1. Click the Browse button to select a report format in the Use Report field.

    If your ledger is multicurrency, there are three formats you can choose from:

    • GLSJ01F. For printing functional-currency only onto letter-size paper.

    • GLSJ01S. For printing both source- and functional-currency reports onto legal-size paper.

    • GLSJ1SA. For printing both source- and functional-currency reports onto letter-size or A4 paper.

    Note: These report format options were defined when you created the source journal profile. They are shipped with General Ledger; you have the capability of creating and using your own reports.

    There are two ways to select a format:

    • Type one of these format file names into the Use Report field,


    • Select a currency option in the Currency drop-down selection list. The Use Report field automatically shows the file name of the report format.

    You have the option of printing reporting currency data only by selecting Reporting from the Currency selection list. The Reporting option is only available if the euro is your functional currency and you specified a reporting currency. This option uses the letter-size format (GLSJ01F) and prints debit and credit amounts obtained from the reporting fiscal set in the reporting currency.

  2. In the Currency field, choose either Functional, or Source and Functional.

  1. On the Account tab:

  1. Specify whether you want to sort the report by Account Number, by Segment, or by Account Group.

  2. Specify the range.

  3. Select the option, "Select Account Groups By Sort Code Range," (optional) and then select the range. (Note that the Account Group option in the Sort By section changes to Account Sorted Group when you select this option.)

  4. Select the option, "Include Trans. Optional Fields" if you wish to print optional fields that were posted with transaction details.

  5. Use the Finder to select the range of Segment Names.

  6. If you use optional fields, enter a range of account optional fields to be included in the report.

  1. On the Ranges tab of the form, specify ranges of fiscal periods, references, dates, posting sequences, batch numbers, (and source currencies, for a multicurrency ledger).

Note: You must enter 000000 in the Batch Number From field when you print entries for consolidated accounts/transactions.

  1. Click Print.

    Depending on the print option you select in the Print Destinations form (Printer, Preview, File, E-mail), you’ll see a different destination-specific dialog box where you can specify more options.

    If you select the Printer option, G/L will display the Print dialog form where you can confirm your printer selection and change the number of copies you want printed. Choose OK if the settings are correct; otherwise, choose Cancel or Setup.

    If you select the File option, G/L will display the Report dialog box where you can select the file format (disk file, Exchange folder, Lotus Notes database, or Microsoft Mail) and the destination (the name of the file). When you choose OK, G/L will display the Export dialog box where you can finalize your selections.

    If you select the Preview (print to screen) option, G/L will generate and display the report in a Crystal Reports form. You have the option of printing the report or saving it to a file.

    If you select the E-mail option, G/L will display the Send Mail dialog box where you can compose an e-mail message and send the report as an attachment. G/L will automatically assign a report name and attach the report in RTF format to any message you compose and send from this dialog box.

To change the standard source journal reports

If you want to change the information in the report, or the order that the report is sorted (beyond the choices provided by the G/L program), you can define a new report, or modify an existing report.

General Ledger report definitions are found in the ENG subdirectory of the program directory. The program directory is \ACCPAC\GLxxx, where xxx is the version number of the General Ledger program.

See also