Consolidate Posted Transactions
This form lets you:
Reduce detail on reports by consolidating (combining) details in the accounts for which you do not need a permanent record of every transaction.
See Before consolidating transactions.
To consolidate transactions
Select how you are choosing accounts for consolidation.
You can choose accounts by specifying a range of account numbers, or a range of a particular segment.
Select the range of account numbers or segments that you wish to consolidate.
Select the last fiscal year and fiscal period that you want consolidated.
Choose whether you want to consolidate by:
Account and fiscal period, where all transactions for the same account and fiscal period are consolidated into one transaction. If you are consolidating by account and fiscal period, enter the source code to assign to consolidated transactions.
Account, fiscal period and source code, where transactions are consolidated only if they have the same source code.
Account, fiscal period, and source ledger, where transactions are consolidated if they share the same source ledger. If you are consolidating by account, fiscal period, and source ledger, select the ledgers whose transactions you are consolidating, as well as the source code to assign to consolidated transactions from the source ledger.
If you use a multicurrency ledger, amounts are also consolidated by source currency.
Choose Proceed.
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Effects of consolidation
When General Ledger consolidates a group of transactions, the individual details are erased and cannot be listed on source journals or on the Posted Transactions Listing.
Consolidation removes the posting entry numbers and batch entry numbers associated with details:
The new posting sequence number is 0.
The batch number and entry number on reports is CNSLD.
The description and reference fields are set to CONSOLIDATED.
Note: When you consolidate posted transactions, you lose the ability to drill down to the original transaction in the source ledger, and you also lose any optional fields posted with the transaction.
Consolidating while posting
General Ledger also lets you consolidate transactions during batch posting.
Use the Post To Account In Consolidated option on the Detail tab of the G/L Chart of Accounts form to identify the accounts you want to consolidate when you post batches.
The batch number and entry number used on reports is CNSLD.
The description and reference fields are set to CONSOLIDATED POSTING.
Recovering disk space after consolidation
Consolidation does not reduce the disk space taken up by transactions. Instead, it frees up space within the existing file, so the file will not continue to grow.
If you need to free up space occupied by transactions, you must:
Consolidate posted transactions.
Use the database utilities for your database to reduce the file size.
See also
After consolidating transactions