Segment Codes
This form lets you:
Enter a list of valid segment codes for each of the segments you use in account numbers (other than the account segment).
Assign a separate retained earnings account for each segment code in the table.
For example, if your account numbers include a department segment, you would use the Segment Codes table to enter the codes and descriptions of each of the departments in your company.
And, if you close income and expense accounts at year end by department, you could specify a separate retained earnings account for each department code you add.
For the steps on how to add segment codes, click here.
How General Ledger uses segment codes
When you add General Ledger account numbers in the G/L Accounts form, the program checks the Segment Codes table to be sure that the segment codes (such as the department numbers) are valid. If a segment code is not valid, General Ledger will not let you add the account.
The only segment that is not validated is the account segment.
Click here for hints on using forms.
See also