Financial Reporter Error Messages

Sage ERP Accpac General Ledger 6.0

Financial Reporter Error Messages

The following table describes error messages that appear on the generated report when running Financial Reporter modules.

Error Messages When Running FrView in Statement Designer and in Print Financial Statements




Invalid account reference in cell.
<cell locationL> : <cell value V>

The account reference you entered in Column A is incorrect because it does not match the requirements of Column A cells. See also invalid account reference.

Invalid selection criteria in cell.
<cell location L> : <cell value V>

You entered an incorrect selection criteria in this cell. Follow the criteria in Column B to refine the account selection (for example, a filter that restricts the range of accounts to a particular account group, account type, or account name).

Invalid zero-suppression formula in cell.
<cell location L> : <cell value V>

You entered an incorrect definition for a zero suppression formula in this cell. Follow the criteria in Column C to determine which lines are to be excluded.

Invalid detail level in cell.
<cell location L> : <cell value V>

You entered an incorrect consolidation switch in this cell. Follow the criteria in Column D for consolidating account ranges.

Invalid formula or expression in cell.
<cell location L> : <cell value V>

This is a general message indicating that a formula or expression at the stated cell location cannot be interrupted by FR in generation.

Invalid specification line type in cell.
<cell location L> : <cell value V>

Invalid spec line definition at cell location L with value V (not a comment line, or valid default line, or body line).

FR cannot further generate any line for the worksheet.

Generated lines are almost over spreadsheet limit. FR generation has been stopped.

Invalid consolidation of posted transactions on specification in row <Row R>. Consolidated details cannot be generated using the combination of detail level and sorting order.

The specified consolidation method for posted transactions on the spec lines in row R must match with a specific sorting order.

For further information, see Purpose of Column A, Purposes of Columns B, C, and D, and What Each Column Does.

Error Messages When Starting G/L Statement Designer or Running Print Financial Statements




"Error in creating Excel object."

Make sure Excel has been installed.

"Page Break Preview is not available in Print Financial Statements (GL9100). Please go to Statement Designer (GL9200) to use this function."

The Print Financial Statements feature does not support Page Break Preview, therefore use the G/L Statement Designer instead.

"There are no printers installed. One is required when print destination is Printer or Preview."

You must install a printer before you can view output or choose a print destination.

"FileSystemObject object model cannot be initiated. Please make sure that Scripting type library is properly installed in Windows System."

Cannot find Microsoft Scripting Runtime Object - required when starting FR.


Some Abnormal Errors Detected When Starting FR

If you receive error messages that are in this format: cmdStart : <error message>, reinstall Microsoft Excel, or General Ledger, or System Manager, restart the system, then check to see if the problem has disappeared. If the problem cannot be resolved by reinstalling these programs, call your system administrator.

See also