Add a Rollup Account
you start
Note the following:
When you create rollup groups, be careful not to create doubled amounts for reports.
Users that have security rights to a parent account will automatically gain rights to the member accounts of the rollup group.
New accounts are not added automatically to rollup groups.
To select member accounts for a rollup account:
Open General Ledger > Accounts.
Click here for help on fields in the G/L Accounts form.
Use the Finder in the Account field to select the account you are designating as a Rollup account.
Select the Rollup option on the Detail tab.
Click the Rollup tab that appeared when you performed step 3.
Click the Finder in the Account column to add individual member accounts.
To add a range of member accounts, click the Zoom button beside "Select Member Accounts".
In the G/L Account Selector popup, select the ranges of Account Numbers, Account Segments, or Account Groups that will be members of this rollup. You can also use the Account Optional Fields as a selection criteria.
Note: Accounts selected will include only those accounts whose account types match the Account Types selected here. For example, if the Income Statement option is not selected, then even if the Account Number range includes income statement accounts, those accounts will not be copied into the grid.
You can select criteria based on your segments. Also, an additional criteria for Account Optional Fields can be used to select member accounts.
Click the Preview button to view your choices. A message appears, advising you that processing is completed, and shows how many Rollup Member(s) were created and can be viewed. Click Close in the message to move to the G/L Account Selector Preview window. Each of the accounts in the range you selected are included in the list. You can double-click in the Add column to change the entry to No from the default Yes if you decide not to include some of these accounts.
Note: If the rollup account is single-currency, only single-currency accounts which meet the G/L Account Selector will be generated in the Preview window. Accounts that already exist or were already added in the Rollup grid will not be shown again in the Preview window.
Click Copy in the G/L Account Selector Preview window. A message is displayed, showing how many rollup member accounts were created.
Click Close. You return to the Rollup tab of the G/L Accounts form.
The accounts from the G/L Account Selector Preview window appear in the grid.
Click Save. The accounts in the grid now also appear in the tree.
delete member accounts from a rollup account
To delete individual members, highlight the account in the grid.
Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
Do not click the Delete button, as that deletes the Account itself, with all its rollup members.
To view details about the currency of a multicurrency member account, highlight the account, then click the Currency button.
To hide the tree, click the Hide Tree button. To view it again, click the Show Tree button.
Rollup is multi-level. You can double-click the account number in the tree to open the G/L Rollup Accounts form, where you can add accounts to this rollup account. You can also do this by double-clicking on the member account in the grid, or by clicking on the Rollup zoom form, or by pressing Shift+F9 to assign a member as a rollup account.
If an account being copied to the grid is already on the grid, it will not be copied again; an account cannot be a rollup member of itself.