Printing Optional Fields in Financial Reports
You can print account optional fields and transaction optional fields detail using Financial Reporter.
Account optional fields are retrieved using FRACCT.
Transaction optional fields and account optional fields can be retrieved with FRPOST.
If the result of an FR command is derived from more than one transaction, the optional fields data can be consolidated for the following optional field types:
For the above optional field types, you can print a consolidated total that sums up all values from the retrieved optional fields or print the optional field value of the first retrieved record that has optional field values.
That is:
If the specified field name in the first parameter of the FRACCT or FRPOST command is one of the optional field types (Amount, Integer, or Number), and is appended with [U], only the first optional field value will be reported.
If the specified field name is not appended by anything or is appended by [C], a consolidated total will be printed.