Selection Criteria for Filtering Accounts
The easiest way to define the selection criteria is to use FR Paste.
You can include selection criteria:
In column B of a specification to restrict the accounts selected from the Account Code reference specified in column A.
If you enter a criteria on a default line, it is used for all subsequent lines that do not have a criteria defined for them. In other words, if you do not want the default expression on a particular line, you must override it.
You do not need to specify a "\" on lines for which you wish to use the default selection criteria.
In formulas that use FRAMT, FRAMTA, FRCREDIT, FRDEBIT, FRTRN, FRTRNA, FRTRNCR, and FRTRNDR functions to retrieve account balances, net amounts and quantities from posted transactions, or net amounts from the general ledger.
Don't use selection criteria if you can achieve the same result with a more selective account number reference.
Financial Reporter performs all account lookups for a line or function, then eliminates accounts on the basis of criteria. You can improve report performance best by restricting the number of initial lookups.
Example of a selection criteria expression:
This expression selects all accounts with an account type of "B" (for balance sheet) and an active switch set to "ACTIVE".
"AND" means that the accounts must meet both criteria. "OR" means they can meet either one.
Using FR Paste to build selection criteria expressions
Selection criteria expressions can be built using the FR Paste command on the Financial Statement Designer menu bar (under FR). See FR Paste.
The FR Paste command first lets you choose what you want to paste: an account number, a function, or a selection criteria expression.
If you paste the expression into a formula, the selection criteria acts on the formula only. If you paste the expression into column B of a statement line, the selection criteria further refines the account number reference specified for the current line.
See also