Options Form
This form lets you:
Add or change the contact name, telephone number and fax number for your general ledger. (Use the Address tab.)
Change account settings, such as turn on the multicurrency option, the account groups option, and change the default closing account, on the Account tab.
Note: You cannot enter a Default Closing Account number until after you have set up the chart of accounts. If this account has the Post To Account field set as prohibited, you cannot select that account as the default closing account.
Turn on G/L Security and specify the default user access to General Ledger accounts.
Specify a default source code for journal entries.
Lock budget sets, turn on or off prior year and provisional posting, set number of years of history, and view posting statistics. (Use the Posting tab.)
Add account segments, change segment names, and change the default structure code. (Use the Segments tab.)
Options are set up when you create your general ledger. Once you have set up your ledger, you use this form to change some of these settings.
To use the G/L Options form
Click the tab that you want to see.
Choose Save to keep any changes you make.
Choose Close to leave without changing General Ledger options.
Note: You cannot save options if any other General Ledger forms are open (on any user's computer).
Click here for hints on using forms.
Click one of the links below for help on other tabs in this form:
Before Using
Before changing any of the settings or options, make sure you understand the impact the options have on processing within General Ledger.
Changing settings
Company name and address
To change the company name and address, or to change the contact name, telephone number, and fax number at the company level, use the Company form in Common Services.
To change the contact name, telephone number and fax number for the General Ledger administration, use the Options form in G/L Setup.
Multicurrency and quantities settings
You can turn on the Multicurrency or Maintain Quantities options at any time on the Options form in G/L Setup. But, once you turn them on, you cannot turn them off.
You can increase the number of decimal places for quantities (up to 3) at any time. However, you cannot decrease the number.
Account groups and retained earnings account
You can change your choice for the Use Account Groups option, or change the default closing account at any time.
G/L Security
You can turn G/L Security on or off at any time.
Years of fiscal sets/transaction detail
You can change the number of years to keep these types of data at any time. You cannot keep transaction details for more years than are specified to keep fiscal sets.
The number of years of fiscal sets and transaction detail you can keep depends on your edition of General Ledger.
Account number segments
You can add new segments and change segment descriptions at any time.
The maximum number of segments you can have also depends on your edition of General Ledger (3, 4, or 10 segments).
You can delete or change the length of an account number segment at any time, as long as no account structure uses it.
See also