The Designer interface consists of a workspace and different tool windows.
§ You add objects by means of the 'Objects' toolbar.
§ The objects are placed in the workspace. You change the shape and size of the workspace via Project > Page Setup.
§ You can select the viewing mode by means of the tabs in the bottom margin of the workspace: Layout, Layout Preview, Preview.
§ The status bar with the current mouse position, the current operation and the position/size.
§ The variable list displays all variables which are available in the current project; for list projects, all available fields are also displayed.
§ The layer list shows the different display layers.
§ The hierarchical object list shows all objects in the order in which they will later be printed.
§ The "Report Structure" shows all elements belonging to a report container in the order in which they will later be printed.
§ The properties of the selected objects or project are displayed in the properties tool window.