The Nebula Device 3: C:/nebula3/code/foundation/memory/win32/win32memory.h File Reference

The Nebula Device 3

C:/nebula3/code/foundation/memory/win32/win32memory.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Low level memory functions for the Win32 platform.

(C) 2006 Radon Labs GmbH

#include "core/config.h" #include "core/debug.h"
#include "threading/interlocked.h"


namespace  Memory

Data Structures

struct  Memory::MemoryStatus


__forceinline void * Memory::Alloc (size_t size)
__forceinline void * Memory::Realloc (void *ptr, size_t size)
__forceinline void Memory::Free (void *ptr)
__forceinline void Memory::Copy (const void *from, void *to, size_t numBytes)
__forceinline void Memory::Clear (void *ptr, size_t numBytes)
__forceinline char * Memory::DuplicateCString (const char *from)
__forceinline void
operator new (size_t size)
__forceinline void
operator new[] (size_t size)
__forceinline void
operator delete (void *p)
__forceinline void
operator delete[] (void *p)

Function Documentation

__forceinline void* __cdecl operator new ( size_t  size  ) 

Replacement global new operator.

__forceinline void* __cdecl operator new[] ( size_t  size  ) 

Replacement global new[] operator.

__forceinline void __cdecl operator delete ( void *  p  ) 

Replacement global delete operator.

__forceinline void __cdecl operator delete[] ( void *  p  ) 

Replacement global delete[] operator.