G/L Accounts — Rollup tab
This tab lets you:
Create relationships between accounts that can be used for classification, budgeting, and reporting.
Creating a relationship between accounts lets you consolidate (rollup) account balances (and quantities, if applicable) to provide a summary balance similar to the consolidation options provided in Financial Reporter.
Change a rollup account to a non-rollup account (by clearing the Rollup option on the Details tab for that account).
You should be aware of the following rollup cautions when creating rollup groups:
A parent account cannot be a child of itself. That is, when you create a rollup group, you cannot add the top account as a member of the same group.
New accounts do not get added automatically to existing rollup groups.
When you prohibit posting to a rollup account, you can still post to that account in other ledgers (A/R, A/P etc), but not in G/L.
Be aware that if a user is granted security rights to view a parent account, they also will be able to view the member accounts in the group.
An account can be a member of more than one rollup group.
Be careful how you set up the rollup groups so as to avoid double-balances in reports.
To select member accounts for a rollup account
Click the links below for information on individual tabs on the Accounts form:
Click the Field List button at the top of this topic for information about fields on all tabs of the G/L Accounts form.
Click here for hints on using forms.
See also