Reporting Install Upgrade Errors to LANSA Support

Installing LANSA on Windows

Reporting Install/Upgrade Errors to LANSA Support

If you are reporting a problem to LANSA Technical Support, please provide complete details regarding your installation. For example, the following information is helpful:

  • operating system type and level (e.g. Windows Vista, Service Pack 1 applied)
  • machine details (type, manufacturer, processor, memory, etc.)
  • operation being performed
  • any existing LANSA software installed and the version of this software
  • any related third party products being used (e.g. compilers, databases) and their versions.

You may wish to take a print screen of a specific dialog in question. If you use the Alt + Print Screen keys, the active window will be copied to the clipboard and the image can be pasted into Microsoft Paint or any other graphics program. Alternatively, please provide the text in title bar (setup type) and the dialog name that is underneath the title bar.

Ý 11.1 General Windows Troubleshooting