9 4 Summary of LANSA Open Installed Objects

Installing LANSA on Windows

9.4 Summary of LANSA Open Installed Objects

Following is a summary of the files installed as part of the LANSA Open Core files.

LANSA Open Workstation Files

The following files will be installed into the Directory you have nominated:

  • The Windows 32 DLL (LCOEW32.DLL)
  • A Configurator program
  • A Help file.

Development Tools and Samples

All the necessary files to provide you with the Visual Basic and C sample and demonstration programs will be installed. These programs can be used to help you to develop your own applications. Refer to the Guidelines for Using LANSA Open in the LANSA Open Guide for further details about these files.

LANSA Communication Extensions

When you accept this option, the workstation components of the LANSA Communications Extensions are loaded.

LANSA Open's Messages

LANSA Open's messages are recorded in the file LCOEMESG.DAT. The error messages can be displayed in any language by modifying this file. To enable a modified LCOEMESG.DAT file to be used, it must reside in the same directory as LCOEW32.dll.

To customize the messages, copy the LCOEMESG.DAT file and translate the text into the appropriate language.

When creating a customized LCOEMESG.DAT file, note that:

  • The message numbers should NOT be changed, nor should any of the  '%'  sequences such as  '%d',  '%c'  or '%.100s'. These '%' character sequences will be replaced with text, such as field and file names related to the error, and are language independent.
  • The length of each message should not exceed 150 characters. Any characters over this length will not be displayed.
  • Messages should not extend over more than one line.

The LCOEMESG.DAT file is not required if messages are to be displayed in the English language.