How to Import to the Workstation

Installing LANSA on Windows

How to Import to the Workstation

Once you have created the export list, you can use the LANSA Import facility to transfer the objects to the workstation.

To start LANSA Import, click on either the

  • LANSA Import icon
    Use this option if you have shared folder support or you have copied the shared folder to workstation hard drive.

or the

  • LANSA Import Directly from IBM i icon
    Use this option if you do NOT have shared folder support. LANSA Import will read directly from the IBM i shared folder using the QDLS facility. This option is slower than the LANSA Import.

The LANSA Import entry screen corresponding to your request is displayed.

LANSA Import

Choose this option if you can access IBM i shared folders from your workstation or if you have copied the shared folder a workstation hard drive.

If your chosen communications router has full shared folder support, then your IBM i shared folders should be visible to your PC as a network hard drive.

Import From Directory

The directory containing the shared folder. For example, enter <drive name>:\LPC_USER if you are importing from a IBM i shared folder.

Select OK when your entries are complete. A message window keeps you informed of the status of the transfer.

LANSA Import from IBM i Folder

If you do not have IBM i shared folder support, use this LANSA Import option. It is slower than the LANSA Import.

IBM i Shared Folder Name

Name of the IBM i folder from which you wish to import objects.

Select OK when your entries are complete. A message window keeps you informed of the status of the transfer.

Note: The IBM i Shared Folder Name entry defaults to a special "QDLS" format. The default is QDLS\DEF_xxx. You must change this default to the name of the IBM i folder into which you have exported the objects. For example, if you have exported objects into a IBM i folder named DEF_DEM, you would specify this parameter as QDLS\DEF_DEM.