4 Upgrade LANSA on Windows

Installing LANSA on Windows

4. Upgrade LANSA on Windows

There is very little preparation you need to do before an upgrade as the upgrade program will determine what it is you are upgrading based on the configuration you choose to upgrade. Network Clients do not need to be upgraded as they will be upgraded automatically through their server upgrade.

Even though the upgrade process has been made as easy as possible for you, it is wise to review Upgrading previous versions of LANSA (following) and check the items in 4.1 BEFORE you Upgrade LANSA.

Upgrading previous versions of LANSA

If you have a previous version of LANSA for Windows software installed on your machine, you will normally perform an Upgrade to load the latest version.

Your LANSA software must be at Version 12 or later in order to use this version of the upgrade program.

If you have more than one LANSA system, you must choose which system to upgrade because you may only upgrade one system at a time. The LANSA Windows Upgrade program will upgrade all products and features in the selected system.

If you are using versions earlier than Version 12 of LANSA for Windows software, you will need to upgrade to Version 12 before running the Version 13.0 upgrade program.

In some circumstances, you may wish to keep your existing version of the software and install a new version. For example, if you have two LANSA for i Systems at different versions, you will need to have two copies of LANSA Open - one for each LANSA for i System. In this case, you would install a second LANSA Open using the Setup Type: Other LANSA features and then LANSA Open from the Features list.

Previous Version Compatibility You cannot port any object compiled with this version of LANSA backwards to any previous LANSA version.
To avoid compatibility problems, it is recommended that you keep all your linked LANSA software at the same version. If you have an IBM i as the master, a Windows system as a slave with local or network clients, you should start your upgrade with the IBM i first, then the Windows slave system, then the local clients. (The network clients do not need to be upgraded.)