Error Code 0x11

Installing LANSA on Windows

Error Code: 0x11  

The most common cause of this error code is a problem with the Partition or Language specified. Check that the correct partition has been specified and check that the language has been defined for the partition. You may leave the language blank to use the default for the partition.

You may also receive this error code if there is an IBM i library list or security problem associated with the user profile being used. Check your IBM i user profile from a 5250 terminal session. Make sure that you can access the required LANSA system using the user profile.

If you are using IBM i with TCP/IP and a LANSA Listener, see the TP job in the QEZJOBLOG for detailed information about the problem.

You should also check that the LWEBSF has been imported into the partition you are trying to connect to.

Ý LANSA for the Web Administrator Errors