5 2 Upgrade Visual LANSA SQL Database

Installing LANSA on Windows

5.2 Upgrade Visual LANSA & SQL Database

SQL Server database change

LANSA now allows the creation of collections with new SQL Server databases. This is a critical change to SQL Server functionality.

To use this new feature, create a new SQL Server database and then install LANSA to it. Collections will be automatically used.

If your LANSA version is 11.3

If you already use SQL Server as your LANSA database and you created it using a version of LANSA prior to LANSA 11.3, and you have deployed applications that also use SQL Server, you MUST NOT use this new feature. You must continue to use a LANSA database created by prior versions of LANSA. This is because there is no migration possible from a database that does not support collections to one that does.

If you need to create a new installation of LANSA to maintain an application deployed prior to LANSA 11.3, then you must do one of the following:

  • Install LANSA with a version of LANSA prior to 11.3
  • Use an existing SQL Server database that was created with a version of LANSA prior to 11.3.

If your LANSA version is 12

If you need to start using a new version of SQL Server to maintain an application deployed prior to LANSA Version 12, say upgrading from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005, then you must do one of the following:

  • Use SQL Server administration utilities to directly upgrade the SQL Server 2000 database to SQL Server 2005
  • Use SQL Server administration utilities to export the entire SQL Server 2000 set of schema and data and import it to the SQL Server 2005 database
  • Install LANSA to the SQL Server 2005 database with a version of LANSA prior to 11.3.

This feature is only available for use with applications that have not yet been deployed with a version of LANSA prior to LANSA 11.3. This also includes test environments that contain test data that must be retained.

If your LANSA version is prior to 11.3

If you are already using an Independent LANSA System created with a version of LANSA prior to 11.3 - one that does not have an IBM  i Master - then you also CANNOT start using collections. This is because there is no migration possible.

If you are already using a Slave LANSA System created with a version of LANSA prior to 11.3, and it hasn't been eliminated because of one of the reasons described above, then provided you have checked all your changes into the IBM i you can use this new feature.