Specifying Vendors for Additional Costs
To add information about additional costs on a receipt, you first specify the vendor who charged the cost, then you enter the costs charged by each vendor.
You use the Additional Cost tab in the Receipt Entry form to specify the vendor information, including:
Vendor number and name (the code and name of the vendor who charged you the cost).
Tax group (the tax authorities, classes, and related tax information that apply to the cost). In multicurrency ledgers, the tax group you select identifies the currency in which the additional cost was charged.
Terms code (identifies the payment terms the vendor allows your company).
In multicurrency ledgers, you can enter the rate type, rate date, and exchange rate for each secondary vendor. You use the Rate Information tab to edit currency rate information for a primary vendor who does not use functional currency.
Displayed information
The program displays the subtotal, tax included, and total amounts of the additional costs you enter for each vendor.
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