Daily Location by Extension Report

IPFX Reports

Daily Location by Extension Report

This is a detailed log of the Locations chosen by the user of an extension over time. You can see when they have set themselves in the office, in meetings, in Queue etc.

Provides detailed information of user/agent whereabouts.

Daily Locations by Extension Report

This allows you to compare the time an extension spends in a Location. With this report you can easily see what percentage of time is being spent in Meetings, Queues etc.

This summarises the total time extensions are logged into a Queue or other locations by day.

Report Criteria


Report Heading



Presence state examined


Total Time in Presence state

See Also


Daily Presence by Extension Report - Excel sample

Location by Extension Report

Presence by Extension Report - Excel sample

Location by Extension Summary

Presence by Extension Summary - Excel sample

Location Summary

Presence Summary - Excel sample

Queue by Extension Report

Queue by Extension Report - Excel sample