Extension by Queue Report

IPFX Reports

Report Heading



Details of extension handling the Call

Total Calls

Number of Calls

Total Talk Time

Sum of Talk Time for all Calls

Average Talk Time

Total Talk Time divided by Total Calls

Calls Per Hour

Calls handled by the extension per hour

Incoming Calls

Number of Incoming Calls

Queue Calls

Number of Queue Calls

Time In Queue

Time all Calls spent in Queue

Time In Queue %

Time all Calls spent in Queue divided by Total Calls

Time Available

Time the extension was available

Time Available %

Time the extension was available divided by total time

Time On Hold

Total time all Calls handled by the extension were on Hold

Time In Worktime

Time the extension was in Worktime

Time In WrapUp

Time the extension was in WrapUp

Avg. Call Handle Time

Sum of Call Handle Times divided by Total Calls

Occup. %

The total time that the user occupies the workspace: Queue Time + Office Time + Do Not Disturb Time (PrimeTime)

Prod. %

The total time the phone is in use or occupied: Call Handle Time + Meeting Time + Break Time / Total Time

About the Agent Productivity Report (Extension by Queue Template)

This report gives a detailed breakdown of calls each agent received on a daily basis for each queue.

To create the Agent Productivity Report (Extension by Queue Template):

  1. Select Agent Performance > Agent Productivity Report:

  2. Select Report Template > Extension by Queue Report.
  3. Enter the following report criteria as required:


    The span of days covered by the report (Today, Last Week etc.)

    Alternatively, specify the exact date range using the Date criterion.


    The date range you wish to cover in the report.


    Select hours of the day that you wish to cover in the report.

    Group By

    Causes the report to display information grouped accorded to the selected criteria (for example by Date, by Extension, by Queue etc.) Each specific base report has a particular set of groupings available.

    Queue Group

    Narrows the scope of the report to a specific Queue Group.

    Queue Number

    Narrows the scope of the report to include only the selected Queue Number(s). Select the Queue Number(s) that you wish to include in the report from the drop-down menu or enter the Queue Number(s) with your keyboard.

    To specify multiple Queues, separate each number with a comma (,). Do not include spaces in the list.


    Narrow the scope of the report to the include only the selected Team.

    Extension Number

    Narrows the scope of the report to include only certain Extensions. Select the Extension that you wish to include in the report from the drop-down menu or enter the Extension number(s) with your keyboard. Wildcards can be used to select all extensions matching a pattern.

    To specify multiple Extensions, separate each number with a comma (,). Do not include spaces in the list.

    Include Virtual Queues

    Includes both standard and Virtual queues in the report.

    Format Time

    Changes the way that time is displayed in the report:

    Yes - Displays time in hh:mm:ss format.

    No - Displays time in seconds.

    Ignore - (Has the same effect as selecting Yes)