Agent Performance Summary
This report gives a detailed breakdown of the amount of time an agent spent in each facet of call taking, i.e. talk time, wrapup, queue etc.
Report Criteria
Extn: |
The Extension number associated with the Agent. |
Agent: |
Agent's name as displayed in the IPFX Directory. |
Queue: |
The total 'Queue Time' (agent logged in) for the report period. Expressed as D HH:MM:SS (Days Hours Minutes Seconds). |
Idle: |
The total time the agent was logged into the queue less Talk, Work, Hold and Wrap-up time. This figure represents agent availability for a given period. |
Office: |
The total time spent in the 'Office' location for the report period. This figure represents time the agent was in the office but not logged into the queue. Expressed as D HH:MM:SS (Days Hours Minutes Seconds). |
Talk: |
The total talk time of the Agent for the nominated queue (incoming queue calls only). Expressed as D HH:MM:SS (Days Hours Minutes Seconds). |
Hold: |
The total time an agent had a caller on hold for the nominated queue (incoming queue calls only). Expressed as D HH:MM:SS (Days Hours Minutes Seconds).
Note This figure is only available on Cisco / IPFX based systems. For NEC and other PABXs, the hold time is included in the Talk Time. |
Work: |
The total time the agent has spent in Work Time for the nominated queue. This time represents time the agent is working on queue related matters and is unavailable to receive new calls. Expressed as D HH:MM:SS (Days Hours Minutes Seconds).
Note Please refer to the Administrators manual for further information on Work Time settings and options. |
Wrapup: |
The total time the agent has spent between call completion and the entry of a Wrap-up code for the nominated queue. Expressed as D HH:MM:SS (Days Hours Minutes Seconds).
Note Please refer to the Administrators manual for further information on Wrap-up settings and options. |
Other: |
The total time spent in Locations other than Office, Queue and Break for the nominated report period.
Note For a detailed break-down of this time, please refer to the Location Specific reports under the 'Extensions' folder. |
Break: |
The total time spent in the Break Location for the report period. |
Incoming: |
The total call count and the Total talk time for all incoming, non queue calls to the Agent's extension number for the report period.
Note For a detailed break-down of incoming call activity please refer to the 'Calls' report section. |
Outgoing: |
The Total call count and the Total talk time for all Outgoing calls from the Agent's extension number for the report period.
Note For a detailed break-down of outgoing call activity please refer to the 'Calls' report section. |
Queue: |
The call count and the talk time for all Queue Incoming calls to the Agents extension number for the report period.
Note For a detailed break-down of agent queue call activity, please refer to the 'Calls' report section. |