Agent Performance Summary

IPFX Reports

Report Heading


Time In Queue

Time Spent in the Queue Location

Time In Idle

Queue - Sum of Talk, Hold

Time In Office

Time Spent in the Office Location

Time In Talk

Sum of Incoming - Time, Outgoing

Time In Hold

Time that Customers were on Hold

Time In Work

Time spent in Work Time

Time In WrapUp

Time spent in WrapUp

Time In Other

Time spent in Locations other

Time In Break

Time spent in the Break Location

Incoming - Count

Total number of non Queue

Incoming - Time

Total Time Spent on non Queue

Outgoing - Count

Total number of Calls made

Outgoing - Time

Total Time Spent on Calls

Queue - Count

Total number of Queue Calls

Queue - Time

Total Time Spent on Queue

About the Agent Performance Summary

This report gives a detailed breakdown of the amount of time an agent spent in each facet of call-taking.

Listed data includes Talk Time, Hold, Work Time and WrapUp time. Presence states are also displayed: Office and Break are shown - other states are summarised as 'Other' (further details are available with the Agent Presence Information report).

The report is valuable for revealing how agents spend their time, how many queue calls and direct-dial calls they take, and how many outbound calls are made from their extension.

The report can be grouped by date, Queues, Teams or Queue Groups.

To create the Agent Performance Report (Agent Performance Summary)

  1. Select Agent Performance > Agent Performance Report:

  2. Enter the following report criteria as required:


    The span of days covered by the report (Today, Last Week etc.)

    Alternatively, specify the exact date range using the Date criterion.


    The date range you wish to cover in the report.


    Select hours of the day that you wish to cover in the report.

    Group By

    Causes the report to display information grouped accorded to the selected criteria (for example by Date, by Extension, by Queue etc.) Each specific base report has a particular set of groupings available.

    Queue Group

    Narrows the scope of the report to a specific Queue Group.

    Queue Number

    Narrows the scope of the report to include only the selected Queue Number(s). Select the Queue Number(s) that you wish to include in the report from the drop-down menu or enter the Queue Number(s) with your keyboard.

    To specify multiple Queues, separate each number with a comma (,). Do not include spaces in the list.


    Narrow the scope of the report to the include only the selected Team.

    Extension Number

    Narrows the scope of the report to include only certain Extensions. Select the Extension that you wish to include in the report from the drop-down menu or enter the Extension number(s) with your keyboard. Wildcards can be used to select all extensions matching a pattern.

    To specify multiple Extensions, separate each number with a comma (,). Do not include spaces in the list.

    Exclude Number In, Exclude Number Out

    When running performance reports, it is often desirable to exclude calls to certain numbers, for example calls to the operator, to voicemail, or to other internal extensions.

    To exclude certain numbers from the report, enter a list of numbers to be excluded. Separate the numbers with a comma(,). Do not include spaces in the list.

    Include Virtual Queues

    Includes both standard and Virtual queues in the report.

    Format Time

    Changes the way that time is displayed in the report:

    Yes - Displays time in hh:mm:ss format.

    No - Displays time in seconds.

    Ignore - (Has the same effect as selecting Yes)