Order Entry — Drop-Shipment
Address Form
Use this form to enter or edit address information for a detail you wish the vendor to ship directly to an address other than the inventory location specified for the detail line (by the code you entered in the Location field.)
To open the Drop-Shipment Address form
Press the Shift and F9 keys in the Drop-Ship field to open or close the form using your keyboard.
Click the Zoom button beside the Drop-Ship field to open the form with a mouse.
To enter a drop-shipment address
Open the Drop-Shipment Address form, then select the type of address to enter.
If applicable, select the location code, customer number, or ship-to address code for the address.
Type the address or edit displayed information.
Choose Close.
To edit drop-shipment addresses
Open the Drop-Shipment Address form.
Make the changes you need. You can change all the information in the form, including the type of address.
When finished, choose Close to close the form.
To delete drop-shipment addresses
Change the entry in the Drop-Ship field to No on the detail entry grid, or deselect the Drop-Ship box on the Detail Items/Taxes form (click the field or press the Shift and F9 keys at the same time in it).
See also