Multiple Module Scanning

NI Switches

Multiple Module Scanning

NI-SWITCH supports multiple module scanning for both PXI and SCXI switches in NI-DAQmx and NI-SWITCH.


NI recommends NI-DAQmx for multiple module switch scanning. You can access the NI-DAQmx multiple module switch scanning programming examples at <LabVIEW>\examples\DAQmx\Switches. For more information about developing a multiple module switch scanning application using NI-DAQmx, refer to the NI Developer Zone document, Multi-module Scanning with National Instruments Switches at


To scan multiple switches using NI-SWITCH, you can write a scan list or use the programming examples. When scanning multiple switch modules, you must duplicate the NI-SWITCH programming example for each switch you want to scan.

Determining the Scanning Setup

The scanning setup is dependent on your hardware and triggering scheme. Based on your hardware and triggering scheme, choose one of the following scanning setups:

Tip  The niSwitch Multi Switch Synch Int, niSwitch Multi Switch Sync Ext, niSwitch Multi 27_28 Sync, niSwitch Multi Switch Hand Int, and niSwitch Multi Switch Hand Ext examples mentioned in the following sections are available at Click Example Code and search for "Switch Multi-Module Scanning."

PXI Scanning—Synchronous

PXI Scanning—Handshaking

SCXI Scanning—Synchronous

SCXI Scanning—Handshaking