NI PXI-2527 1-Wire Dual 32×1 Multiplexer Topology

NI Switches

NI PXI-2527 1-Wire Dual 32×1 Multiplexer Topology

Connect to the pins of the NI TB-2627 terminal block to use the NI PXI-2527 as a 1-wire dual 32×1 multiplexer. In this topology, CH0 through CH31 route to COM0+, and CH32 through CH63 route to COM1+. The 1WREF0 lead is connected to COM0– and the 1WREF1 lead is connected to COM1–. The pair COM0+ and COM0– is addressed as com0 in software, and the pair COM1+ and COM1– is addressed as com1 in software.

The following figure represents the NI PXI-2527 in the 1-wire dual 32×1 multiplexer topology.

Making a Connection

Both the scanning command, ch2->com0;, and the immediate operation, niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect function with parameters ch2 and com0, result in the following connection:

signal connected to CH2+ is routed to COM0+


The following figure and table identify the pins for the NI PXI-2527 in the 1-wire dual 32×1 multiplexer topology.

Software Name Pin Number Software Name Pin Number
ch0 A1 ch36 A12
ch1 D1 ch37 D12
ch2 A2 ch38 A13
ch3 D2 ch39 D13
ch4 A3 ch40 A14
ch5 D3 ch41 D14
ch6 A4 ch42 A15
ch7 D4 ch43 D15
ch8 A5 ch44 A16
ch9 D5 ch45 D16
ch10 A6 ch46 A17
ch11 D6 ch47 D17
ch12 A7 ch48 B10
ch13 D7 ch49 C10
ch14 A8 ch50 B11
ch15 D8 ch51 C11
ch16 B1 ch52 B12
ch17 C1 ch53 C12
ch18 B2 ch54 B13
ch19 C2 ch55 C13
ch20 B3 ch56 B14
ch21 C3 ch57 C14
ch22 B4 ch58 B15
ch23 C4 ch59 C15
ch24 B5 ch60 B16
ch25 C5 ch61 C16
ch26 B6 ch62 B17
ch27 C6 ch63 C17
ch28 B7 1wref0 C9
ch29 C7 1wref1 C18
ch30 B8 com0+ A9
ch31 C8 com0– B9
ch32 A10 com1+ A18
ch33 D10 com1– B18
ch34 A11 cjtemp+ A25
ch35 D11 cjtemp– D25