Software Trigger Scanning
To write a software trigger scanning program, complete the following steps:
- Set the topology of the switch module using the niSwitch Initialize With Topology VI or the niSwitch_InitWithTopology function.
- Set the trigger input (triggerInput) parameter to Software Trigger using the niSwitch Configure Scan Trigger VI or the niSwitch_ConfigureScanTrigger function.
- Set the number of times the switch cycles through the scan list, once or infinitely, using the niSwitch Set Continuous Scan VI or the niSwitch_SetContinuousScan function.
- Set up the list of connections using the niSwitch Configure Scan List VI or the niSwitch_ConfigureScanList function. Refer to Scan Lists for syntax information.
- Initiate the scan using the niSwitch Initiate Scan VI or the niSwitch_InitiateScan function. The first entry in the scan list is executed and the switch waits for software triggers to execute the subsequent entries in the list.
- Execute each set of connections in the scan list by calling the niSwitch Send Software Trigger VI and the niSwitch_SendSoftwareTrigger function.
- Terminate the scanning operation using the niSwitch Abort Scan VI or the niSwitch_AbortScan function.
- Release resources using the niSwitch Close VI or the niSwitch_close function.
Refer to the niSwitch Software Scanning example.