NI SCXI-1163R Octal 4×1 Multiplexer Topology

NI Switches

NI SCXI-1163R Octal 4×1 Multiplexer Topology

The NI SCXI-1326 terminal block provides connections to the NI SCXI-1163R in the octal 4×1 multiplexer topology. The following figure represents the NI SCXI-1163R as an octal 4×1 multiplexer.

Making a Connection

The NI SCXI-1163R contains eight banks of four input channels connected to a common channel. These input channels are referred to as ch<0..31> and eight common channels are referred to as com<0..7>. Because the NI SCXI-1163R is comprised of eight banks of four relays each, you can only connect channels to the common channel in the same bank. The banks are organized as follows:

Input Channels Common Channel
ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3 com0
ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7 com1
ch8, ch9, ch10, ch11 com2
ch12, ch13, ch14, ch15 com3
ch16, ch17, ch18, ch19 com4
ch20, ch21, ch22, ch23 com5
ch24, ch25, ch26, ch27 com6
ch28, ch29, ch30, ch31 com7

For example, you can connect ch8 to com2; however, you cannot connect ch8 to com6.

You can control the channels of the NI SCXI-1163R using the niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect function. For example, to connect channel 16 to common 4, call the niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect function with the channel 1 parameter set to ch16 and the channel 2 parameter set to com4.


The following figure identifies the pins for the NI SCXI-1163R as an octal 4×1 multiplexer.

Note  Pins labeled GND are the common terminals in each 8×1 multiplexer. These pins are not connected to ground.